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Image by Matt Gross
Mosobot64 2018-02-In Love FINAL (transparent).png

Art credit: Mosbot 64  

Limicon is the fan convention of the liminal web, attracting practitioners, artists, sense-makers, ritual crafters, philosophers, community weavers, experimenters, builders, and enthusiasts in and around the liminal, integral, metamodern, game b, second renaissance, regen, and related scenes. If you’re wondering if that includes you, the answer is very likely yes! We invite you to explore with us. Ultimately, your best invitation comes from your sense of your resonance with this field we’re cohering together.


It starts with listening to the field — sensing into the pull of what is alive and emerging.  Let’s listen to what the field is saying to us this year.

To those who co-created Limicon last year, we invite you to reflect on how you're different this year as you walk into Limicon. You've spent a year in this network getting poked and prodded by some of the best coaches and facilitators and practice keepers and sense-makers in the world. What effect has that had? You've felt the support of this web all around you in some ways. Maybe even when you tried to fight it away. Maybe you have different life circumstances than you did last year.  You might have different projects you're involved in that you could have never thought you would have been involved in one year ago. Opportunities at your door that you would have never even fathomed when you looked toward the future. Or maybe failures that you didn't see coming but were encouraged to learn from. I want us to walk into this year's Limicon with these fresh eyes: The eyes of who we are now, not who we were last year when we stepped into this space.

To those new to this space, We invite you to sense into the field around you already, nearby in your web and out into the whole world. Where is your energy and aliveness, and how is its edge in motion? What are the ideas that excite you? What spaces and people are you interested to connect with, collaborate with? Think also of what’s happening in the world: the new wars and the new politics, the new weather-related events, the new surge in meta theory, the new surge in AI — how are those affecting the world that we're living in, the systems that we're operating within?


So, as we walk into this year's Limicon together with new perceptions, new relationships and connections, the new energy in the field, facing the new circumstances in the world we share. How are we called to respond, and how are we called to be in those responses? This is the place to build Limicon from.



Your invitation to

Image by Matt Gross

What's a "-con" style convention?

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Democratic and celebratory while also offering substantial community, connection, and care for all sorts of people.
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Fan-organized, fan-led, and in service to the fans!
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Driven by love and its affirmation.
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Leadership is measured in terms of community stewardship, not status.
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Honor science and hold it properly: with wonder.
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Explore sub-universes you didn't even know existed.
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Prioritize accessibility for and leadership by folks along every stage of development, all ages, all faiths, you name it!
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Not for profit


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